Green leaves wither and harmattan pays its yearly visit. But this time, it comes with an honourable guest, last seen four years ago. A guest whose main agenda is to put the incumbent government in reposit or yet still, give them an additional quadrennial, to govern. People will leave their homes before sunrise, in order to be the first to arrive at his residence, to show deference to him by pressing their thumbs and leaving their thumbprints on his body.

They will form boundless queues and tussle with one another, with no regards to the harsh effect of harmattan. They will tap their dusty feet impatiently, waiting for their turn. Their pale faces will search through the queue to spot anyone who tries to join illegally. They will rub their whitened elbows to produce warmth and shake off the cold, dry wind that sucks all the moisture from their lips, leaving them cracked and sore.

Elections are paramount in most societies. Ever since Ghana became a republic in 1960, elections have been a fair means through which suitable leaders are being chosen to govern and manage the affairs of the country. Over the years, Ghana has observed the election and repudiation of many heads of state. Some notable heads of state in the history of Ghana include the first prime minister, Dr. Kwame  Nkrumah, Joseph Arthur Ankrah, Akwasi Afrifa, Edward Akuffo Addo, Hilla Liman, late Jerry John Rawlings, John Agyekum Kufuor, late John Atta Mills, John Dramani Mahama and president Akuffo Addo.   Elections have, if not eradicated, lessened the rowdy clash for power, resulting to bloodshed as witnessed in a few countries.

Due to its eminence, it is important that as a nation, we make peace the paramount theme of the upcoming elections. There are instances where people refuse to step foot at polling stations and instead, confine themselves at home, for fear of any unforeseen chaos. Some also step foot at  polling stations with the illicit intention of stealing ballot boxes or breeding chaos, tearing the peace of the elections, into pieces. People also hold grudges against each other due to mere political differences. It is important we learn to vary our political preferences and ideologies from our personal lives and relationships with people. We should not be influenced by any political entity or by our own ambitions, into causing destruction.

Though everyone wishes their preferred candidate or party wins, we should be reminded that just one person can be elected and he or she may or may not be the desired candidate. If  everyone’s wishes and desires were to be granted, the world would have been in great chaos.

Nonetheless, let’s all go out in our numbers and vote. What is most important and what we all should hope for is that, the best would be chosen. Let’s say no to vigilantism and yes to patriotism. Ghana is all we have, so before you take any action, ask yourself if you have any other place to seek refuge. Not everyone can leave the country with just a snap of their fingers, should a conflict arise. That is why it is significant to keep this election as peaceful as possible .It is better to smile in pain with our cracked harmattan lips over a peaceful election, than to cry in pain over the loss of innocent lives.

Already, this year has taken a heavy toll on us. Most people, if not everyone, have been physically, emotionally, mentally and economically drained, especially due to the intrusion of “The Beast Of All Nations” ( COVID 19). Let’s make peace and harmony our foremost priority and work together in making Ghana the greatest of all nations.

My name is Nasreen Zankawah and I stand for peace.


Written by : Nasreen Zankawah

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