Short Stories
Husband By Mistake-Episode 8
EPISODE 8 The twin placed his thumb on the fingerprint scanner with all eyes, glued to him. Simultaneously, they all diverted their gazes to the large screen which had the inscription, “loading…”. After a minute, [...]
Husband By Mistake-Episode 7
EPISODE 7 Allila scanned the messy room and finally settled on the only couch in the room. She crossed her legs and clasped her fingers. “ So it's true? You see Muna, on my way [...]
Husband By Mistake-Episode 6
EPISODE 6 You are Dari?” Muna said in a tone which was more of an affirmation than a question. “ What are you doing here?” Dari quizzed in response. He could feel his hands [...]
Husband By Mistake-Episode 5
EPISODE 5 Dari continued browsing the woman’s Instagram page to see if Yomba was tagged in any of their photos together, but there was none. The only option he had left was to send the [...]
The Drum Beat-Episode 3
He staggered on his way to the well and [...]
A Slip Of Tongue
"Words that slip from the tongue are sometimes genuine thoughts, [...]
Boys Equally Matter
Gender discrimination was consolidated across the African continent during the [...]
The Drum Beat-Episode 2
Wunnam anxiously paced about the room, not sure of what [...]
The Drum Beat -Episode 1
He ran as fast as his chubby legs could carry [...]
Just Pray
"I knelt for hours, praying to God to give me [...]
Who I Am
I am an art, beautifully crafted by God And displayed [...]
"Sometimes the laziest bosses breed the most hard-working employees" Nasreen [...]
Best Ideas
"The best ideas come to mind especially in moments we [...]
Bad Intentions
" Do not encourage certain actions with the intention of [...]