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Welcome To My Literary World

My Blog2023-09-23T21:34:28+00:00

Featured Story

The Drum Beat

Wunnam watched as Bangda drank the water in two chugs. He wiped off the beads of water around his lips while stretching the calabash to Pagnaa with his other hand.

Short Stories

Iced Heart-Episode 3

September 17th, 2023|39 Comments

EPISODE 3 It’s my day off  and I couldn’t be happier. At least, I get to have a break from that crime scene. I’m getting ready for an appointment with my hairdresser. I need to [...]

Iced Heart-Episode 2

September 17th, 2023|46 Comments

EPISODE 2 The town of Akumadan is drenched in darkness and there is no single trace of light. I notice immediately that there’s a power outage. I would have lingered in Techiman for a while [...]



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