Short Stories
Husband By Mistake-Episode4
EPISODE 4 “ How did you know?” Dari asked in a trembling voice while looking over his shoulders to see if there was anyone else at the door. In a husky tone, his grandmother replied, [...]
Husband By Mistake-Episode 3
EPISODE 3 Even before Dari stepped foot into his parent’s house, the heat that gushed over his face was an indication that there was tension. As soon as he opened the door to the living [...]
Husband By Mistake- Episode 2
EPISODE 2 Dari, realizing he had no other option, responded with a stammer, “ Ye-ye-yes I -I do”. Allila sighed in relief with her eyes closed. She was happy that the dream she had the [...]
Husband By Mistake- Episode 1
EPISODE 1 “ Yomba, we are running late. Everyone will be seated by now”, Dari called out to his twin brother who was adjusting his necktie in the mirror and glancing at his phone every [...]
Who Pays The Price?
"Religion forbids murder" "Tradition taboos incest" "Society frowns upon theft" [...]
"Ninety-nine percent of the world's population is blind. Because there [...]
Self-medication Is More Harmful Than You Think!
Each day, people are faced with different kinds of ailments [...]
Is My Safety Guaranteed, If I Say What I See?
Recently, social vices have been on the rise in the [...]
“Trotro” Danger
Over the years, transportation has become a necessity to every [...]
Beast Of All Nations (COVID-19)
A beast! A fat, ugly beast, appeared on the surface [...]
Tramadol Abuse
Drugs are meant to cure illness or sickness until we [...]
Ayawaso Incident ” We Need Peace To Prevail”
Sighting Of a New Moon
It’s another year and another month of Ramadan. The term [...]
Help Save The Poor And Needy
We live in a world made up of different kind [...]